Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Technology use within your Department

I am curious, what technology do you see being used in your Department? Outside of the VCR, I don't see much being done in the Geology Department at UGA.


  1. Dude, we've got the whole range in Ecology! There's this one professor (Jim Porter) who is an absolute blast to listen to and watch. He uses PowerPoint like a pro- integrates video clips from news shows and has moving diagrams and stuff. He makes it look easy, and it gets the students totally engaged, whether they're fascinated by the topic because of his energy, or making cracks about his enthusiasm.

    Then there are other professors (some of the crusty old ones) who have us read crusty old papers with no pictures OR diagrams, and tell stories about the important people they know, instead of making the class interesting and relevant to current events.

    Among our students there's a range too. One guy just designed a wiki (AAH! What the crap is that?) for the lab that he TAs that has fish swimming across the screen as diagrams and text magically pop out from behind it as it moves. Whoa! (He has videos of fish mating with sound effects too!)

    Then there's me, who still lectures with chalk and no visual aids. I'm joking. I've been thinking of doing an interpretive dance to demonstrate community ecology topics... "and the bees come out when it's warm..." Would that count as technology?

  2. Athena, I would like to see your interpretive dance ; ) In Kinesiology we are also pretty limited. Sure we have lots of cool gadgets to tell you how fit/unfit you are but professors rely mainly on powerpoints, video, and WebCT. I believe anything that I will learn in this class will be considered "fancy."

  3. I think we can safely say your interpretive dance can count as technology(It will enhance learning in some way) :)
    My department is all about incorporating technology into teaching(esp when it enhances learning). I think Geology could benefit from more than the VCR...there are probably a lot of GIS software out there, weather data discs technology that could be useful.

  4. What do fish sound like when they are mating?

  5. Hey, does anyone know some good fishing spots in Georgia? I've been here 5 years and all the spots I know are pretty lame.

  6. I don't know what fish sound like when they're mating... I'll have to ask my colleague and get back to you. I DO know what bees sound like when they're mating, though... in case anyone cares...
