Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Technology Embarrassment

I was hoping that someone could explain to me "EMMA". I know we had a presentation on the subject during our last class meeting; however, all I remember is ....."Hi, today we are going to talk about EMMA. EMMA is....." click, click....opening email.....click,click....wimba classroom....click, click.....downloading pdf....click, click....ebay, you are the highest bidder...click, click......click, click.....click,click......click, click........click, click... If someone could fill in the facts in between the "clicks", I would appreciate it very much. I have now experienced a new level of off-task behavior related to lap-top use in the classroom: embarrassment associated with a fellow student's off-task behavior on a lap-top. I was so fixated upon the clicking sound made by the student on his lap-top, the embarrassment associated with the off-task behavior and the knowledge that everyone in the room was aware of the situation that I couldn't focus on the EMMA presentation. It was almost like there was a huge elephant sitting in the room and everyone pretended like it didn't exist. I realize that I am writing another blog that will go unanswered....just like the previous blog that addressed lap-tops and off-task behavior.


  1. click, click... What's that you said? click, click, click... I couldn't hear anything but clicking!

  2. I too have a new found "shame" when it comes to using my laptop while someone is presenting or teaching. It distracts the individual and in a way I think it hurts their feelings(it would hurt mine, if I was talking to a group and they were busy doing everything but listening to me...I need to grow thick skin)
    Here's the EMMA link:http://www.emma.uga.edu/cocoon/emma/home_uga. There is a tour on there that gives info on how to use the site.
